NEW Winter Studio Hours: For the months of January, February, and March the studio will be open on Fridays from 12 to 4pm or by appointment.
Open Year-Round
Take a beautiful drive through the heart of Ann Arbor and head west, where you will find, tucked away on a scenic road, a secret sculpture garden. Internationally recognized ceramic artists Susanne and John Stephenson spent over 60 years finding new ways to shape clay in their studio off Waters Road.
Nestled in the woods that became their playground is a lifetime of their creations. We invite visitors to experience the studio, grounds, storage areas, and gallery year-round. While many of the works have to be moved inside during the winter months, a handful can stay outside. Join us in discovering how their work changes as it interacts with each season.
From diverse metal and ceramic sculptures to gestural and colorful wall plates, we invite the curious and the creative to explore. Expect to be inspired!
Drop by for your own strolling or sign up below for a docent tour.
Winter Hours: Fridays from 12 to 4pm or by appointment.
Please note: Parts of the property have uneven and gently sloping terrain. Caution is advised. There is seating in the studio. All ages welcome.
Visit Stephenson Ceramics
Open Year-Round